Monday, January 31, 2011

Simple Uses of iMovie

Creating catchy introductions for class topics that engage students is challenging due to the limited amount of time that faculty have is a common concern.   One way to introduce a topic is to present challenging research based facts in a fast moving video.

My attempt at creating one such introduction can be viewed below:

This introduction was created in about one hour using iMovie for video and audio editing.   Stock footage from Footage Firm was used at a cost of $8.00.

A Vision of Students Today

As part of my TOP: Teaching Online Program with the Virginia Community College System, we were asked to view the following video that summarizes the diverse students that exist in the college setting today.   The presentation of the material was quite interesting, but perhaps the way the video was filmed and edited even more so. 

The Launch

This blog, while a project of EDET 650 at Radford University is intended to act as a resource for faculty and students enrolled in human services programs at the post secondary level.  Hopefully, I can provide examples of how best to use technology in our personal and professional lives and make the great tools we have available a little less scary to the masses.

*I am a Instructional Technology Graduate Student Radford University in Radford, VA.